Professional Development Programmes
Professional Development of the teachers is essential to the growth and welfare of the students and the institution. Internal Quality Assurance Cell provides a sustained development in the professional scenario so as to produce the best student outcomes. IQAC conducts professional development programmes like orientation programmes, computer training programmes, seminars on Intellectual Property Rights, etc.
IQAC has played a major role in the enhancement of the learning potential of the faculty. Majority of the faculty members have attended Orientation Programmes, Refresher Courses, Workshops or other similar training programmes. Many of them have undergone UGC Faculty Development Programmes, Post- Doctoral Programmes, Fostering Linkages in Academic Innovation and Research (FLAIR) and NSS/NCC Training Programmes.
All these have reflected on students’ outcome and their results. Students are getting placed in reputed organisations, have gone for higher studies in National and International Universities and many have turned entrepreneurs. Therefore, it has been found that the institutional strategy to encourage professional learning is fruitful and meaningful and is transforming the teachers as revolutionary and evolving learners.
IQAC has also organised certain academic and administrative programmes for both teaching and non teaching community. Orientation classes, staff retreat, computer training classes for non-teaching staff, seminars organised for both teaching and non teaching staff, conduct of academic and administrative audit and invited lectures by eminent personalities are some of the programmes organised by the College IQAC.